
“I am passing this website along because I truly feel that Bobbi Newman has been instrumental on my journey for both self-improvement and for an exceptional marriage. Those of you who know me, know my famous line, “I don’t want a good marriage, I want a great marriage.” Well, Bobbi has helped Matthew and I go from good to great, and there is no turning back for us. She also works with individuals and singles. I found my work with her to be very healing. Not saying that any of you “need” her services – just sharing the possibility with you all.”

Roberta Gold
Boca Raton, Florida

“What I love about Bobbi’s work is how spacious yet deep she is in perceiving where I’m at, and what dynamics may be playing out in my relationship. Her compassionate acceptance and insight really help my partner and me heal and grow and learn, and it’s amazing how this works just as well on the phone as in person. Sometimes even better, because it doesn’t matter if my hair’s all messy and I’m free to stay in my pajamas!”

Raphael Cushnir
Contributor, O, The Oprah Magazine, and author of Unconditional Bliss, Setting Your Heart on Fire, and How Now: 100 Ways to Celebrate the Present Moment (fall, 05).

“Bobbi offers effective tools for safe communication, understanding and empathy for us personally and our partner. My partner and I work with Bobbi over the telephone and her insight, wisdom and clarity comes shining through as if she were in the room with us. I really don’t know how couples survive without these tools that help to bring greater consciousness into our unconscious patterns of childhood wounding. It is clear to me after working with Bobbi that any difficulty with my partner is truly an opportunity for growth, greater connection and intimacy. We are both so thankful to have Bobbi in our back pocket to help us create the lasting and fulfilling union we both desire.”

Melanie Ca.
San Francisco, Califonia

“Imago Therapy has truly saved my marriage. For 17 years my husband and I would fight constantly. We gave new meaning to “hurting the one you love.” There were no limits to the verbal abuse we hurled at one another. All we seemed to care about was destroying each other in a sick power struggle. We threatened divorce on a regular basis and when we actually made up and promised a million times to change our behavior, it would last for no more than a week. Last November we hit rock bottom and I was in the process of throwing my husband out for good. That was on a Friday, and after talking all weekend, I agreed to go for counseling on Monday. A friend had worked with Bobbi, and seeing the results in her marriage, I agreed to try it. It’s been 4 months and I can honestly say I have a real marriage now. We’ve learned how much our childhood controls our adulthood. Understanding has led to true forgiveness, and ultimate changes in our behavior. We’ve seen how easy it is to become friends. We no longer fight and a disagreement is just a simple disagreement that we can fix in record time, instead of the marathons we used to have. We’ve grown as individuals and as a team. If it weren’t for Imago Therapy, we would still be spending every day trying to prove each other wrong. We’re both very grateful!”

Debbi & Joe

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